It's estimated that about 40% of the pediatric urology consultations are related to bladder bowel dysfunction (BBD)

These symptoms of the lower urinary tract should be addressed early, as it may continue throughout adulthood, leading to significant morbidity.

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Topics: Science Alert, Bowel dysfunction, Bladder dysfunction

Dignity in healthcare

What does the word dignity really mean? A quick search online gives some direction: “Dignity is the right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically”. But we wanted a deeper understanding of what that means in practice and decided to discuss this topic with a group of nurses in UK.

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Topics: Bladder dysfunction, Intermittent Catheterization, dignity

Science Alert: Intermittent catheterization – 4 myths and facts to resolve

Intermittent emptying of the bladder using a catheter (i.e. intermittent catheterization) is a first choice therapy for people with voiding dysfunctions. 


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Topics: Bowel dysfunction, Bladder dysfunction

Science Alert: Double burden - Combined bladder and bowel dysfunction

Combined bladder and bowel dysfunction can be a very debilitating condition with a strong impact on quality of life. Self-esteem, social activities and intimacy are all affected in a negative way.

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Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, Bowel dysfunction, Bladder dysfunction

Science Alert: Bladder and bowel symptoms: Need for actions

The impact on individuals’ quality of life of maintaining or restoring bladder and bowel continence cannot be underestimated. It is a top user priority but this is unfortunately not always reflected in healthcare and research initiatives.

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Topics: Science Alert, Bladder and bowel interaction, Bowel dysfunction, Bladder dysfunction