Combining approaches to bladder and bowel dysfunction

The benefits of patient centered care cannot be overestimated. A holistic approach reveals avenues for care that might otherwise be left neglected – opportunities missed to enhance the wellbeing of the patient. But what would a working model look like when it concerns patients with neurogenic bladder and bowel?


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Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, Neurogenic bladder, Neurogenic bowel

Science Alert: Double burden - Combined bladder and bowel dysfunction

Combined bladder and bowel dysfunction can be a very debilitating condition with a strong impact on quality of life. Self-esteem, social activities and intimacy are all affected in a negative way.

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Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, Bowel dysfunction, Bladder dysfunction

Science Alert: Bladder and bowel symptoms: Need for actions

The impact on individuals’ quality of life of maintaining or restoring bladder and bowel continence cannot be underestimated. It is a top user priority but this is unfortunately not always reflected in healthcare and research initiatives.

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Topics: Science Alert, Bladder and bowel interaction, Bowel dysfunction, Bladder dysfunction

Science Alert: Bladder and bowel synergies – different sides of the same coin

The bladder and bowel share the pelvic floor and, in spite of known (and unknown) synergies, limited research has been undertaken on this topic. There are, for example, few studies exploring the impact of bladder and bowel dysfunction on social activities and quality of life.

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Topics: Science Alert, Bladder and bowel interaction, Bowel management

Science Alert: Bladder and bowel care in focus – from children to the elderly

Bladder and bowel problems are common and of high importance for people with spinal cord injury and other neurogenic damage.

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Topics: Science Alert, Bladder and bowel interaction, Bowel management