It's estimated that about 40% of the pediatric urology consultations are related to bladder bowel dysfunction (BBD)

These symptoms of the lower urinary tract should be addressed early, as it may continue throughout adulthood, leading to significant morbidity.

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Topics: Science Alert, Bowel dysfunction, Bladder dysfunction

Introducing Wellspect Wizard

A new and convenient way to view LoFric clinical evidence

Wellspect Wizard is a dynamic, digital platform that gathers clinical evidence for LoFric catheters and IC, presented in an easy-to-use, comprehensive format.

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Topics: Navina Smart, Clinical Evidence, LoFric

Dignity in healthcare

What does the word dignity really mean? A quick search online gives some direction: “Dignity is the right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically”. But we wanted a deeper understanding of what that means in practice and decided to discuss this topic with a group of nurses in UK.

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Topics: Bladder dysfunction, Intermittent Catheterization, dignity

Science Alert: Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction from 3 perspectives - spinal cord injury, spina bifida, and multiple sclerosis.

One common reason behind lower urinary tract dysfunction is neurological damage secondary to spinal cord injury (SCI), spina bifida, or multiple sclerosis. Even though the everyday situation is different for people living with these conditions, they share many problems linked to their bladder.

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Topics: Neurogenic bladder, Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Multiple Sklerose (MS)

Does catheter choice matter? Three key features for better adherence

Intermittent catheterization is a therapy that comes with many barriers. Barriers sometimes prevent practicing intermittent catheterization accurately and as a result the positive outcomes are lost.

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Topics: Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC)